
Goat dairy barn design
Goat dairy barn design

goat dairy barn design

Scimitar horns are common and probably due to the influence of this species. The elements of comparative morphology and the interspecific crossbreeding experiments suggest that the bezoar ( Capra hircus aegagrus) from Southwest Asia is probably its most significant ancestor. The main morphological elements of differentiation were related to the insertion, section, and configuration of the horns. The origin of the domestic goat is attributed to the wild species of the Quaternary: Capra aegagrus( Figure 1), Capra falconeri( Figure 2), and Capra prisca, being disseminated by all the continents and all originating from different regions of Asia. It is believed to have been originated from wild goats found in Asia Minor.

goat dairy barn design

The origin of the current goat breeds is not clearly known. At both local and macroeconomic levels, goats will certainly be an animal production that will enhance the livelihoods and sustainable development of the world’s poorest populations. In these areas, the current and potential importance of goat production combined with the use of breeds that have not yet been fully selected and exploited will certainly be a reality in the near future. In fact, goats are extremely intelligent animals, very agile, and independent, with a high level of resistance to diseases, much better than other ruminant species.ĭespite the fact that in recent decades there has been a great progress in research aimed at increasing the goat productivity, there is still a great work to be done, namely in the applicability of the different races to the different environmental realities of the underdeveloped and developing countries. In rural areas of developing countries, the contribution of goats is highly valued and has an important role in feeding the populations, an item that is often not adequately recognized when comparing goats with sheep and cattle. While in the countries, where goat production is massive, high adaptability to the environment is one of the main breed characters, in the developed countries, most of the goats are of genetically selected breeds for high production. More than 90% are located in Asia and Africa and only 1.8% in Europe. Currently, there are about 1 billion goats around the world. In the last 50 years, global goat populations have increased by about 240%, while other livestock species have maintained or decreased their populations. Due to their great adaptability to difficult environment conditions and to different diets, they have always been considered very useful animals for their good productivity and easy to handle and they do not compete with man for food and eat cheap feeds. , goats have been linked to humans for at least 10,000 years. Goats were among the first farm animals to be domesticated. Regarding goat meat, the world leadership also stays in Africa and Asia, namely in China, and there is a new phenomenon, the spreading of goat meat tradition through Europe due to migrants from Africa and other places with strong goat meat consumption.

goat dairy barn design


There are consumers for goat dairy products and there is enough global production, but misses a professional network between both.

goat dairy barn design

Despite some exceptions, no large‐scale effort to professionalize this industry has been made so far. They are also used for forest grazing, an integrated and alternative production system, very useful to control weed growth reducing fire risk. Global goat populations, mainly in Africa and in Asia, have increased for centuries but very strongly in the past decades, well above the world population growth. In terms of evolution, goats could be separated by their dispersion area in three large groups: the European, the Asian, and the African. These are some reasons because goats are among the first animals to be domesticated. Goats success is related to its excellent adaptability to the difficult mountain conditions, extreme weather and low value feed acceptance, versatile habits and high production considering their size. Goats have always been considered very useful animals.

Goat dairy barn design